Updates from the development team: January 30th, 2022
We publish regular development updates to let you know what we have been working on, as well as what's coming soon.
A quick overview of what the development team will be working on in the next few weeks.
We've started up the translation effort, and are working on translating the whole platform into 10 languages! If you'd like to help translate Couchers.org to your language, please fill in the translation form! You may already be seeing this on the site if your browser's default language is set to one of these languages, but in the coming weeks we will translate the rest of the platform as well as add a button for changing your preferred language.
We're working on improved notifications, in particular for community features like events and discussions. These will come with granular notification settings to allow you to turn on or off notifications for each topic.
Here's some of the user-facing features we worked on since the last update:
Since the last update, 21 people contributed to Couchers.org through 168 changes that changed 5.8 thousand lines of code. A warm welcome to all the new contributors who joined in the project and helped out on the codebase!
None of this would be possible without our 120+ volunteers working in all areas of the project. The development teams would like to thank the rest of the core contributors for making our work possible.
You can join our development team on GitHub at Couchers-org/couchers; or if you don't have time right now, give us a star to show your support! We work in the open and need as much help as we can get to build the next generation couch surfing platform!
Written by Aapeli. Published on 2022/01/30.
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